Add consult "keep an eye on" for selectrum completion

Consult is a replacement for the “generating candidates” part of the completion pipeline of Emacs. With the added support for asynchronous process (i.e. we can call counsel-ripgrep with input like #defvar -- -t el#modules/lang/org# and it would:

  • start the ripgrep process as soon as the f is typed
  • pass -t el as a rg flag
  • pass modules/lang/org to the Emacs filtering function

So that would be something I’d use to check all the “customizable” options in the :lang org module for example.

In my opinion, that is the very last thing that was missing to be a real candidate to be in the ivy conversation, BUT consult is also still very active. I’m just using that in my own selectrum module, but if selectrum is being considered, I think consult should too.

Update if anyone would like to give it a try there’s a WIP PR that uses consult and selectrum.

The vertico module uses consult, time to close it as well

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