What will change for Doom with Emacs 29 and native tree-sitter?


I’m starting compiling from the emacs-29 branch to have native tree-sitter support (among other things).

My understanding is that so far Doom uses tree-sitter through elisp packages (link to the doom module).

Emacs 29 has native support of tree-sitter (i.e. it is compiled in Emacs via bindings): in practice what does that mean? The elisp modules will not be necessary anymore?

What happens when I run Emacs 29 today? Is Doom still using the external elisp module, right?

What should happen when Doom decide to support native tree-sitter? Or is it already working OOTB?

Thank you for helping me placing these pieces in the right place :slight_smile:

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A lot of built-in major modes in emacs29 will already ship with TS support, so the doom module will just need to enable that with a few lines.

For other stuff, the ecosystem is catching up. (I searched now and saw Add support for bulitin tree-sitter along with elisp-tree-sitter · Issue #76 · meain/evil-textobj-tree-sitter · GitHub .)

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the doom module will just need to enable that with a few lines.

How do you switch to using native tree-sitter in a module? how do you interface to tree-sitter? Is there an elisp API or something?

Just out of curiosity, is there an example somewhere on how to use native tree-sitter for sytanx hightlight in Emacs 29?

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