Vertico with default emacs prefix completion?

I like vertico but I really don’t like orderless or anything like it. I would like to get back the default prefix completion of vanilla emacs but retain vertico for the completion list but I can’t work out how to do this. I have tried all sorts of variations of things like this:

(use-package! orderless
  (completion-styles '(substring basic)))

 (use-package! vertico
   (keymap-set vertico-map "TAB" #'minibuffer-complete)

but I keep getting the, to me, irritating orderless completion whereas I just want beginning-of-string anchored prefix completion to display the maximum match with each tab press, just like when you disable all completion engines in doom emacs init.el. Any help much appreciated.

I think adding,

(package! orderless :disable t)

in your packages.el file will uninstall orderless and disable its use and that seems to be what you want.

That’s good, thank you. It gets me part of the way there but this:

 (use-package! vertico
   (keymap-set vertico-map "TAB" #'minibuffer-complete)

doesn’t quite get the rest of the way as TAB doesn’t complete to the point of ambiguity, like it usually does without any vertico mode.

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