An adaptation of github module README tracking issue, I figure it works better as a wiki.
For instructions on how to add a README, see here.
Make sure you update this post with links to PR’s if you have one submitted already, and to mark modules as complete after the PR gets accepted.
- chinese (needs to be expanded upon)
- japanese (needs to be expanded upon)
- layout
- company
- helm
- ido
- ivy
- deft
- doom
- doom-dashboard
- doom-quit
- emoji
- fill-column
- hl-todo
- hydra
- indent-guides
- ligatures
- minimap
- modeline
- nav-flash
- neotree (needs to be updated to new format)
- ophints
- popup +defaults
- tabs (needs to be expanded upon)
- treemacs
- unicode
- vc-gutter
- vi-tilde-fringe
- window-select
- workspaces
- zen
- evil
- file-templates
- fold
- format
- god
- lispy (needs links fixed)
- multiple-cursors (PR, closed and incomplete)
- objed (needs to fit format)
- parinfer (needs to fit format)
- rotate-text
- snippets
- word-wrap
- dired
- electric
- ibuffer
- undo
- vc (needs to be expanded upon)
- eshell
- shell
- term
- vterm
- syntax
- spell
- grammar
- ansible
- biblio
- debugger (in the works, do not pr)
- direnv
- docker
- editorconfig
- ein
- eval
- gist
- lookup
- lsp
- magit
- make
- pass
- prodigy
- rgb
- taskrunner
- terraform
- tmux
- upload
- macos
- tty
- agda (needs to be updated to new format)
- beancount
- cc
- clojure
- common-lisp
- coq (needs to be updated to new format)
- crystal
- csharp
- data
- dart
- elixir
- elm
- emacs-lisp
- erlang
- ess
- factor
- faust
- fsharp
- fstar
- gdscript
- go
- haskell
- hy
- idris
- json (needs to be expanded upon)
- java
- javascript
- julia
- kotlin (needs to be expanded upon)
- latex
- lean
- ledger
- lua
- markdown
- nim (needs to be updated to new format)
- nix
- ocaml
- org
- php
- plantuml
- purescript
- python
- qt
- racket
- raku (needs to be updated to new format)
- rest
- rst
- ruby
- rust
- scala
- scheme
- sh
- sml (needs to be expanded upon)
- solidity (needs to be updated to new format)
- swift
- terra
- web
- yaml
- zig
- mu4e
- notmuch
- wanderlust
- calendar
- emms
- everywhere
- irc
- rss
- literate
- default (needs to be updated to new format)