What happened?
When I open treemacs it opens in full screen. When I tried neotree before it said “cannot resize the root window of a frame”
What did you expect to happen?
treemacs opens in a side bar
What did I troubleshoot?
- I tried neotree and treemacs and both have sidebar issues
- I ran
doom upgrade
- I ran
doom clean && doom build && doom sync -u
- I tried the sandbox.
(require 'treemacs)
(find-file "~/dotfiles/doom/.doom.d/config.org")
- vanilla emacs: it works
- doom emacs core: I get
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function doom-initialize)
(let ((doom-init-modules-p t)) (doom-initialize) (doom-initialize-core-modules))
load-with-code-conversion("/tmp/doom-sandbox/init.el" "/tmp/doom-sandbox/init.el" nil t)
command-line-1(("-l" "/tmp/doom-sandbox/init.el"))
The same for Doom + modules - private config Doom + modules + private config brings up my problem
System information
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