Shell script for config setup?

As posted in another thread, new user here.

I’ve looked around but haven’t seen anything on this, so posting here.

Has anyone created a shell script to prompt the user for files/resources/dependencies for different features they want to use in Doom? I’ve just gone through the process of setting up Mu4e with mbsync, msmtp, contexts, etc, and obviously this being Emacs and me being a relatively newbie, it’s been a painful experience (but I’m getting there). I’m wondering if a shell script to prompt the user to create/declare the basics for something like that to work.


  • “which email app do you want to use?”,
  • “what do you want to use to fetch your mail?”,
  • “what do you want to use to send your mail?”,
  • how do you want to save/access your password,
  • do you have a password/would you like to set one up (and walk the user through setting that up, at least locally - maybe with an explanation for where to find those details with some mail providers)
  • declare location of or create mail directory,
  • declare location of or create .mbsyncrc, .msmtprc and other files as necessary

I know this sounds like a feature request, but does this exist in the community, or is that something that people would be interested in? If it doesn’t exist and it’s something that people would be interested in, where would it fit in to things if it was created? (that’s a leading question in case it’s the sort of thing people would find useful, since i’d be interested in working on it even though my shell scripting is terrible)