What happened?
duplicates item
What did you expect to happen?
I’m not sure. If I try to overwrite an existing popup-rule, defined as one with an existing regexp, it adds a duplicate entry.
- A warning is given that there’s a duplicate
- It overwrites the default setting
Steps to reproduce
In config.el
'(("^\\*Org Src"
:slot 20 :side right :size 0.5 :select t)))
Inspect +popup–display-buffer-alist, there are two entries with “^\*Org Src”. Doom pick the first one.
One perhaps hacky solution is to delay the setting of popup-rule until after the default is loaded. Then my custom one appear above in the list.
System information
Loading data dump...
If there’s a hook to use for this it solves the problem. I.e. a “run-after-doom-is-finished-loading-its-stuff-hook”. Does that one exist?
Otherwise, it’s possible to use e.g. (after! org …) for the particular example above. But then, how does one customize say the info buffer?