I’m trying to use emacs-jupyter’s built-in src-block override feature in my config.el. The instructions in the README say I should first call org-babel-do-load-languages, then call e.g. (org-babel-jupyter-override-src-block "python"). However, this doesn’t work, since Doom uses a custom lazy loading mechanism for Babel.
Is there any other way I can get this override feature to work with Doom? Trying to hook into the lazy loading mechanism is a chicken and egg problem: I want to avoid having to use #+begin_src jupyter-python, but doing so is the only way to trigger the lazy loading, IIUIC.
Turns out it’s pretty simple :) There’s an +org-babel-load-functions variable, which in my case contains +org-babel-load-jupyter-h, so that prompted me to try whether I can just run that eagerly, instead of org-babel-do-load-languages. It works, so it’s just a matter of: