What happened?
I am using org-mode to handle simple todo lists - the checkboxes only toggle between "- [ ]", "- [X]"
What did you expect to happen?
I am expecting to be able to toggle the checkboxes between "- [ ]", "- [-]" and "- [X]"
using ctrl-c ctrl-c or RET on the todo item line.
Steps to reproduce
Vanilla install of doom emacs
- Open a new org-mode file (eg. ~/test.org)
- Add these lines:
- [ ] first item
- [ ] second item
Place cursor on either line and do either “C-c C-c” or and the checkboxes toggle between "- [ ]"
and "- [X]"
without reaching the intermediate (“partially checked” in the emacs manual) state.
I have tried wrapping the org-toggle-checkbox to always force toggle-prescence to be true which doesn’t alter the behaviour:
(defun my/org-toggle-checkbox (orig-fun &optional toggle-presence)
"Ensure TOGGLE-PRESENCE is always true when calling ORG-TOGGLE-CHECKBOX."
(message "Wrapper of org-toggle-checkbox")
(apply orig-fun (list t)))
(after! org
(advice-add 'org-toggle-checkbox :around #'my/org-toggle-checkbox))
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