Org Export Task Juggler package could not be found

I added (package! ox-taskjuggler) to my packages.el file so that I could export from Org mode to Task Juggler (to make a Gantt chart for a project).

I got the following error message:

Message: Could not find package ox-taskjuggler. Updating recipe repositories: (org-elpa melpa nongnu-elpa gnu-elpa-mirror el-get emacsmirror-mirror) with ‘straight-pull-recipe-repositories’ may fix this

Sorry if this is an obvious problem for a more experienced user. The coverage on the Emacs side of things is quite sparse, but the task-juggler programme itself is still maintained. Does anyone know if the org exporter for this still exists?


ox-taskjuggler is not a package of its own, but a part of org-contrib package. Beware that packages in org-contrib receive minimal maintenance.

Thanks for your help.

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