What happened?
When trying to save some org files, doom emacs gets stuck in
hook:before-save-hook: run org-encrypt-entries
. In the log below you will see I just waited 20 secs, but I have left the computer for 6 hours or so and it just keeps frozen.
I can exit the frozen state. with C-g
but file won’t get saved.
[2022-10-26 15:33:32] * 125.862223:*:hook:doom-switch-buffer-hook: run +file-templates-check-h
[2022-10-26 15:33:32] * 125.862547:*:hook:doom-switch-buffer-hook: run doom-auto-revert-buffer-h
[2022-10-26 15:33:33] Garbage collecting...done (0.104s)
[2022-10-26 15:33:33]
[2022-10-26 15:33:34] You can run the command ‘view-echo-area-messages’ with SPC h e
[2022-10-26 15:33:34] SPC-
[2022-10-26 15:33:35] * 128.409400:*:hook:before-save-hook: run toc-org-insert-toc
[2022-10-26 15:33:35] * 128.411283:*:hook:before-save-hook: run org-update-parent-todo-statistics
[2022-10-26 15:33:35] * 128.412076:*:hook:before-save-hook: run org-encrypt-entries
[2022-10-26 15:33:55]
Garbage collecting...
What did you expect to happen?
The file to be saved
Steps to reproduce
- Open my .org file
- Make some modifications
- Try to save (sometimes it will work, sometimes it doesn´t, seems to depend on the specific text/syntax within the file
Possible Solution?
The only place in config files where I found org-decrypt-entry is inside /.emacs.d
directory, not /.doom.d
;; TODO Move to +encrypt flag
(use-package! org-crypt ; built-in
:commands org-encrypt-entries org-encrypt-entry org-decrypt-entries org-decrypt-entry
:hook (org-reveal-start . org-decrypt-entry)
;; org-crypt falls back to CRYPTKEY property then `epa-file-encrypt-to', which
;; is a better default than the empty string `org-crypt-key' defaults to.
(defvar org-crypt-key nil)
(after! org
(add-to-list 'org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance "crypt")
(add-hook! 'org-mode-hook
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'org-encrypt-entries nil t))))
Maybe I could start commenting out this lines?
but I am not supposed to change anything inside /.emacs.d
directory… how can I invalidate this inside /.doom.d
directory instead?
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