Opening Doom Emacs in a mu4e buffer


I use Doom Emacs with mu4e. My installation is as follows:

$ echo $DOOMDIR

$ echo $EMACSDIR

# and a vanilla Emacs conf in ~/.config/emacs

I can open vanilla Emacs and draft an email with:

emacsclient -c --eval '(browse-url-mail " there")'

I am trying to replicate this with doom with:

doom run -E '(browse-url-mail " there")'

But Doom crashes with this error:

x There was an unexpected runtime error
  Message: Invalid function
  Details: ((browse-url-mail " there"))
    ((browse-url-mail " there"))
    (read (browse-url-mail " there"))
    (eval (read (cdr form)) t)
    (let ((form (car tail))) (eval (read (cdr form)) t) (setq tail (cdr tail)))
    (while tail (let ((form (car tail))) (eval (read (cdr form)) t) (setq tail (cdr tail))))
    (let ((tail evals)) (while tail (let ((form (car tail))) (eval (read (cdr form)) t) (setq tail (cdr tail)))))
    (let ((force? (cdr (assq 'force? alist))) (debug? (cdr (assq 'debug? alist))) (verbose? (cdr (assq 'verbose? alist))) (doomdir (cdr (assq 'doomdir alist))) (emacsdir (cdr (assq 'emacsdir alist))) (page...
    ((lambda (cli alist) (let ((force? (cdr (assq 'force? alist))) (debug? (cdr (assq 'debug? alist))) (verbose? (cdr (assq 'verbose? alist))) (doomdir (cdr (assq 'doomdir alist))) (emacsdir (cdr (assq 'em...
    (funcall (lambda (cli alist) (let ((force? (cdr (assq 'force? alist))) (debug? (cdr (assq 'debug? alist))) (verbose? (cdr (assq 'verbose? alist))) (doomdir (cdr (assq 'doomdir alist))) (emacsdir (cdr (...
    (doom-cli-execute #s(doom-cli nil :before (("SUMMARY" . "") ("MAIN" . "") ("OPTIONS" . "-E, -eval\n  Can be used multiple times.\n\n-L, --load, --strict-load\n  Can be used multiple times to load multi...
    (let ((cli x16) (bindings x17)) (doom-cli-execute cli bindings))
    (let* ((x16 (car-safe x15)) (x17 (cdr-safe x15))) (let ((cli x16) (bindings x17)) (doom-cli-execute cli bindings)))
  ! Wrote extended backtrace to ~/.doom/.local/state/logs/cli.doom.240215193222.415000.error

Is it possible in general to open a buffer in Doom from the command line? Maybe as a client?

If I am inside Doom and evaluate:

(browse-url-mail " there")

mu4e opens in the correct buffer to compose an email but lacks all the configuration, so I cannot send the email.


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