Macro Expansion is a Dud

I’ve defined the following macro code for defining alternate tools:

(defun drn/deftool-function-current-file-code (ident)
  "Define a interactive function that calls a tool command identified by IDENT on the current file."
  `(defun ,(make-symbol (concat "drn/open-current-file-with-" (symbol-name ident))) ()
     ,(concat "Open the current file with " (drn/alternate-tool-name ident))
     (drn/open-file-with-command (drn/current-filename) ,(drn/alternate-tool-command ident))))

(defun drn/deftool-function-current-project-code (ident)
  "Define a interactive function that calls a tool command identified by IDENT on the current project."
  `(defun ,(make-symbol (concat "drn/open-current-project-with-" (symbol-name ident))) ()
     ,(concat "Open the current project with " (drn/alternate-tool-name ident))
     (drn/open-file-with-command (drn/current-project-path) ,(drn/alternate-tool-command ident))))

(defmacro drn/deftool (ident name command &optional options)
  (let ((tool (drn/add-tool ident name command options)))
    (if (drn/tool-has? tool 'project-only)
        (drn/deftool-function-current-project-code ident)
          ,(drn/deftool-function-current-project-code ident)
          ,(drn/deftool-function-current-file-code ident)))))

The macro seems to expand properly:

(drn/deftool vscode "Visual Studio Code" "code %s")
; =>
; (progn
;   (defun drn/open-current-project-with-vscode nil "Open the current project with Visual Studio Code"
;          (interactive)
;          (drn/open-file-with-command
;           (drn/current-project-path)
;           "code %s"))
;   (defun drn/open-current-file-with-vscode nil "Open the current file with Visual Studio Code"
;          (interactive)
;          (drn/open-file-with-command
;           (drn/current-filename)
;           "code %s")))

When I manually evaluate this code in my ELISP REPL it works as expected (I’m able to M-x to find “drn/open-current-file-with-vscode”). But when I evaluate in the buffer or reload my configuration it does nothing. Any thoughts? Thank you!

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