Jump to definition error

Hello Everyone!

I was having an issue with going to a definition in doom emacs. Here is my setup:

  • Doom Emacs: v3.0
  • Emacs: v29.3
  • Python:
  • llama index installed in a virutal environment
  • (python +lsp +conda +pyright)

I noticed that I can’t always jump to the definitions I hover over when compared to vs code. For instance, in the picture with HuggingFaceEmbedding highlighted from hovering, I can press SPACE-c d and it will jump to the definition.

If I then let the pointer hover over the function get_cache_dir() and try pressing SPACE-c d, I get Couldn't find definition of "get_cache_dir" as an error (see pic). However, I am able to jump to this definition in VSCode.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be the culprit when using doom emacs and how to go about fixing it? Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!

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