Is it expected that doom sync does not byte-compile / native-compile some files?

What happened?

I enabled to biblio module to get citar, and then I ran doom sync --aot. Some things were slow in citar (which is probably okay with a 35 MiB .bib file) but I went ahead and checked if native compilation is enabled.

What did you expect to happen?

It turns out that some files in the citar package are not even byte compiled.

I tried rm -rf ~/.config/emacs/.local/straight/ && doom sync --aot but no change.

$ ls ~/.config/emacs/.local/straight/build-30.0.93/citar
citar-autoloads.el  citar-capf.el@      citar.el@       citar-file.elc    citar-format.elc  citar-markdown.el@
citar-cache.el@     citar-citeproc.el@  citar-file.el@  citar-format.el@  citar-latex.el@   citar-org.el@

For example, there are no .elc files for citar and for citar-cache. I know that byte-compilation can be disabled on a file level using -*-no-byte-compile: t; -*- but that’s not the case here.

Is this expected? Or a bug in doom or straight? Or a bug in citar?

Bonus question, just for my understanding

It appears to be expected that autoload files are not byte-compiled. I’d like to understand why.

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This turns out to be a bug in straight and/or doom, see fix(cli): some package files not being byte-compiled (2nd take) by real-or-random · Pull Request #8247 · doomemacs/doomemacs · GitHub for a fix.

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