I’m using Doom Emacs with treemacs inside it.
When I look through each source file from side tree, I need to press Enter to open the file. How to view the file content without Enter but just move the cursor in the tree menu?
I’m using Doom Emacs with treemacs inside it.
When I look through each source file from side tree, I need to press Enter to open the file. How to view the file content without Enter but just move the cursor in the tree menu?
I think you have to bind those keys manually
(map! :map treemacs-mode-map
"<down>" (lambda (&optional arg) (interactive)
(next-line arg)
"<up>" (lambda (&optional arg) (interactive)
(previous-line arg)
Thank you. Where should I put this setting to? I put it into .doom.d/config.el
but got this error when start Emacs:
Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading ‘/Users/abc/.emacs.d/core/core-start.el’:
Error in private config: config.el, (end-of-file /Users/abc/.doom.d/config.el)
Were you sure to write the snippet without any missing parentheses? You can check your file.el for potentially missing ones with M-x check-parens
I tried to delete all the spaces and reset the format again. It doesn’t work.
But press P
in treemacs works.
Can you post that config.el
(setq doom-theme 'doom-one)
(setq display-line-numbers-type t)
(setq org-directory "~/org/")
(map! :map treemacs-mode-map
"<down>" (lambda (&optional arg) (interactive)
(next-line arg)
"<up>" (lambda (&optional arg) (interactive)
(previous-line arg)
Here it is.
I don’t see any error here at all, sorry.
Thank you all the same. At the moment, press P
works well for me.
Oh, my fault, I didn’t know about P
, it’s definitely the better solution.
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