How to list Doom packages?

I was recently struggling to disable eldoc until I learned that this is some kind of built-in mode and that (!package eldoc :disable t) has no effect.

How can we get a list of what packages are actually installed and can be used with the !package directive?

I’ve tried the list-packages command, but this shows eldoc even though eldoc doesn’t work with !package. Additionally, it doesn’t show the flycheck package as installed when it definitely is.

see my answer on the other thread.

I think visiting M-x list-packages is correct (although managing packages in Doom Emacs from there is discouraged, IIUC) but there is a difference between what Doom and Emacs call a built-in package.

Tangential: I don’t have the flycheck package installed. Maybe you have customized the installation of Doom Emacs?

Maybe you have customized the installation of Doom Emacs?

I was testing with the default Doom config. I don’t see flycheck listed in list-packages, but I see and can enable/disable M-x flycheck-mode.

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