Hi! I’m trying to pass my R coding workflow to Emacs, but I’m not completely satisfied with the windows’ layout. The basic layout which I like to have is the classic’s Rstudio panes layout,
Doing some manual windows arrangements, I get something similar to the Rstudio layout. The main is idea is that any of these windows are popups, but permanents buffers inside this workspace. Also, I could be great if this layout could be present only if I’m editing .R (or similar) files.
Remove the :actions '(display-buffer-in-side-window), and your popup rules should be practically identical to what was suggested in the ESS manual. The next thing I’d suspect is how are you switching to/opening those buffers? Depending on the method, you could easily circumnavigate display-buffer-alist's rules.
Could you expand on what this means?
I don’t personally use R, so best not to assume I know what commands are involved, but they could offer a clue as to why those popup rules aren’t working. Ah, just noticed you mentioned ess-display-help-on-object and ess-rdired. I’ll look into those.
This way the help and the rdired buffer won’t disappear if I press q or ESC.
And with respect to the windows’ layout, the problem was that the *R dired* buffer was captured by the regex \\*R instead of \\*R dired. I discovered this using +popup/diagnose.
The solution was to change the regex to make it a little more robust,
@hlissner I was thinking about the default’s choices in the ESS module in particular with the behavior in the *R* buffer. For the user it could be a little confusing.
The issue with this keybinding it also kills the R inferior process (with all the attached data). It was extremely frustrating to load a lot of variables, press q and noticed that I had lost everything.
It wouldn’t be better something like delete-window or bury-buffer as less drastic alternatives to hide the *R*, *R dired* and *R [help] buffers.