How do I make `doom sync` always choose the default option when there is a conflict in some package's git repo?

How do I make doom sync always choose the default option when there is a conflict in some package’s git repo?


    > In repository "dart-mode", remote "origin" has URL
    but recipe specifies a URL of

         1) Abort
         2) Rename remote "origin" to "origin-1", re-create "origin" with correct URL, and fetch
         3) Rename remote "origin" manually, re-create it with correct URL, and fetch
         4) Delete remote "origin", re-create it with correct URL, and fetch (Choose this if unsure)
         5) Delete remote "origin", re-create it with manually set URL, and fetch

      How to proceed? (1, 2, 3, 4, 5; don't know? Pick 4) 4
      Really delete remote "origin"? (y or n) y

Using --force will get rid of the first prompt, but not the really delete prompt.