Following update not able to launch Doom. Error from doom core

What happened?

Following an update of Doom Emacs to the latest commit I am no longer able to launch Doom Emacs

What did you expect to happen?

after pulling the latest changes, I expected to be able to launch doom emacs

Steps to reproduce

  1. launch emacs

System information

Am not able to get a dump of system information via the bin/doom command

Loading data dump...
Debug info when launching Emacs as usual

Error: doom-core-error (“/Users/user/.config/emacs/lisp/lib/debug.elc” (void-variable doom-debugger-a)) mapbacktrace(#f(compiled-function (evald func args flags) #<bytecode -0xc8887ac6c512f81>)) debug-early-backtrace() debug-early(error (doom-core-error “/Users/user/.config/emacs/lisp/lib/debug.elc” (void-variable doom-debugger-a))) signal(doom-core-error (“/Users/user/.config/emacs/lisp/lib/debug.elc” (void-variable doom-debugger-a))) doom-load(“doom-cli” nil) doom-require(doom-cli) (if (let ((load-suffixes '(“.elc” “.el”))) (condition-case _ (load (expand-file-name “lisp/doom” user-emacs-directory) nil (not init-file-debug) nil ‘must-suffix) (file-missing (prog1 (defalias ‘startup–load-user-init-file@reroute-to-profile #’(lambda (args) (list #’(lambda nil (expand-file-name “init.el” user-emacs-directory)) nil (nth 2 args)))) (advice-add 'startup–load-user-init-file :filter-args #'startup–load-user-init-file@reroute-to-profile)) (setq user-init-file (expand-file-name “early-init” user-emacs-directory)) (setq load-prefer-newer t) (setq gc-cons-threshold (* 16 1024 1024)) nil))) (doom-require (if noninteractive 'doom-cli ‘doom-start))) (let (file-name-handler-alist) (let* ((command-line-args (if noninteractive nil command-line-args)) (profile (or (car (cdr (member “–profile” command-line-args))) (getenv-internal “DOOMPROFILE”)))) (if (null profile) (let ((init-dir (or (car (cdr (member “–init-directory” command-line-args))) (getenv-internal “EMACSDIR”)))) (if (null init-dir) (if noninteractive (progn (setq user-emacs-directory (file-name-directory (file-truename load-file-name))))) (setq command-switch-alist (cons (cons “–init-directory” #’(lambda () (car-safe (prog1 argv (setq argv (cdr argv)))))) command-switch-alist)) (setq user-emacs-directory (expand-file-name init-dir)))) (setq command-switch-alist (cons (cons “–profile” #'(lambda () (car-safe (prog1 argv (setq argv (cdr argv)))))) command-switch-alist)) (setenv “DOOMPROFILE” profile) (or (load (expand-file-name (format (let ((lfile (getenv-internal “DOOMPROFILELOADFILE”))) (if lfile (concat (string-remove-suffix “.el” lfile) “.%d.elc”) “profiles/load.%d.elc”)) emacs-major-version) user-emacs-directory) 'noerror (not init-file-debug) 'nosuffix) (user-error “Profiles not initialized yet; run ‘doom sync’ first”)))) (if (let ((load-suffixes '(“.elc” “.el”))) (condition-case _ (load (expand-file-name “lisp/doom” user-emacs-directory) nil (not init-file-debug) nil ‘must-suffix) (file-missing (prog1 (defalias ‘startup–load-user-init-file@reroute-to-profile #’(lambda (args) (list #’(lambda nil (expand-file-name “init.el” user-emacs-directory)) nil (nth 2 args)))) (advice-add 'startup–load-user-init-file :filter-args #'startup–load-user-init-file@reroute-to-profile)) (setq user-init-file (expand-file-name “early-init” user-emacs-directory)) (setq load-prefer-newer t) (setq gc-cons-threshold (* 16 1024 1024)) nil))) (doom-require (if noninteractive 'doom-cli ‘doom-start)))) (or (let (file-name-handler-alist) (let* ((command-line-args (if noninteractive nil command-line-args)) (profile (or (car (cdr (member “–profile” command-line-args))) (getenv-internal “DOOMPROFILE”)))) (if (null profile) (let ((init-dir (or (car (cdr (member “–init-directory” command-line-args))) (getenv-internal “EMACSDIR”)))) (if (null init-dir) (if noninteractive (progn (setq user-emacs-directory (file-name-directory (file-truename load-file-name))))) (setq command-switch-alist (cons (cons “–init-directory” #’(lambda () (car-safe (prog1 argv (setq argv (cdr argv)))))) command-switch-alist)) (setq user-emacs-directory (expand-file-name init-dir)))) (setq command-switch-alist (cons (cons “–profile” #'(lambda () (car-safe (prog1 argv (setq argv (cdr argv)))))) command-switch-alist)) (setenv “DOOMPROFILE” profile) (or (load (expand-file-name (format (let ((lfile (getenv-internal “DOOMPROFILELOADFILE”))) (if lfile (concat (string-remove-suffix “.el” lfile) “.%d.elc”) “profiles/load.%d.elc”)) emacs-major-version) user-emacs-directory) 'noerror (not init-file-debug) 'nosuffix) (user-error “Profiles not initialized yet; run ‘doom sync’ first”)))) (if (let ((load-suffixes '(“.elc” “.el”))) (condition-case _ (load (expand-file-name “lisp/doom” user-emacs-directory) nil (not init-file-debug) nil ‘must-suffix) (file-missing (prog1 (defalias ‘startup–load-user-init-file@reroute-to-profile #’(lambda (args) (list #’(lambda nil (expand-file-name “init.el” user-emacs-directory)) nil (nth 2 args)))) (advice-add 'startup–load-user-init-file :filter-args #'startup–load-user-init-file@reroute-to-profile)) (setq user-init-file (expand-file-name “early-init” user-emacs-directory)) (setq load-prefer-newer t) (setq gc-cons-threshold (* 16 1024 1024)) nil))) (doom-require (if noninteractive 'doom-cli 'doom-start)))) (load user-init-file 'noerror (not init-file-debug) nil 'must-suffix)) load-with-code-conversion(“/Users/user/.config/emacs/early-init.el” “/Users/user/.config/emacs/early-init.el” nil t) load(“/Users/user/.config/emacs/early-init.el” nil nomessage nosuffix) (and (load init-file nil 'nomessage 'nosuffix) (featurep 'doom)) (or (and (load init-file nil 'nomessage 'nosuffix) (featurep 'doom)) (user-error “Failed to load Doom from %s” init-file)) (let* ((bin-dir (file-name-directory (file-truename load-file-name))) (init-file (expand-file-name “…/early-init.el” bin-dir))) (or (and (load init-file nil 'nomessage 'nosuffix) (featurep 'doom)) (user-error “Failed to load Doom from %s” init-file))) (condition-case e (let* ((bin-dir (file-name-directory (file-truename load-file-name))) (init-file (expand-file-name “…/early-init.el” bin-dir))) (or (and (load init-file nil 'nomessage 'nosuffix) (featurep 'doom)) (user-error “Failed to load Doom from %s” init-file))) (user-error (message “Error: %s” (car (cdr e))) (kill-emacs 2))) load-with-code-conversion(“/Users/user/.config/emacs/bin/doom” “/Users/user/.config/emacs/bin/doom” nil t) command-line-1((“–load” “/Users/user/.config/emacs/bin/doom” “–”)) command-line() normal-top-level() Unexpected error in Doom’s core: “/Users/user/.config/emacs/lisp/lib/debug.elc”, (void-variable doom-debugger-a)

Error code from within emacs when running `emacs --debug-init` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable projectile) byte-code("\306\10\307\310\11\n\13\f$\311\15\312P\26@\313\26A\16B?\26C\314\26D\315\26E\316\26F\15\317P\26G\320\26H\321\211\26I\322\323\324\"\322\325..." [projectile projectile-project-name projectile-project-p projectile-locate-dominating-file projectile-relevant-known-projects doom-cache-dir use-package! :commands projectile-project-root :init "projectile.cache" nil (".DS_Store" "TAGS") (".elc" ".pyc" ".o") kill-only-files "projectile.projects" ("~/") doom-project-ignored-p global-set-key [remap evil-jump-to-tag] projectile-find-tag [remap find-tag] :config letf! (#'projectile--cleanup-known-projects #'ignore) projectile-mode 1 add-transient-hook! projectile--cleanup-known-projects projectile-discover-projects-in-search-path append (".projectile" ".project" ".git") executable-find "hg" (".hg") "bzr" (".bzr") ("Makefile") abbreviate-file-name projectile-compilation-buffer-name projectile-current-project-buffer-p defadvice! :override projectile-dirconfig-file file-exists-p! ".projectile" expand-file-name ".project" put projectile-ag ...] 33) load("doom-projects" nil nomessage) doom-load("doom-projects" nil) doom-require(doom-projects) byte-code("\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\207" [doom-require doom-keybinds doom-ui doom-projects doom-editor] 2) load("~/.config/emacs/lisp/init" nil nomessage) doom-load("~/.config/emacs/lisp/init") byte-code("\305\306!\204\f\0\305\307!\203\236\2\10\30\310\311!\211\203\"\0\211@\312\1!\210\1A\266\202\202\21\0\210\313\21\314\22\315\316\317\"\210\315\320\321\"\210\315..." [doom-context doom-modules doom-disabled-packages custom-file doom-module-context doom-context-p init reload ensure-list modules doom-context-push # nil setplist :core (nil [0 -110 -110 :core nil nil nil]) :user (nil [1 105 -105 :user nil nil nil]) :completion (company [3 0 0 :completion company (+childframe) nil] vertico [4 0 0 :completion vertico nil nil]) :ui (deft [5 0 0 :ui deft nil nil] doom [6 0 0 :ui doom nil nil] doom-dashboard [7 0 0 :ui doom-dashboard nil nil] hl-todo [8 0 0 :ui hl-todo nil nil] indent-guides [9 0 0 :ui indent-guides nil nil] minimap [10 0 0 :ui minimap nil nil] modeline [11 0 0 :ui modeline nil nil] nav-flash [12 0 0 :ui nav-flash nil nil] neotree [13 0 0 :ui neotree (+lsp) nil] ophints [14 0 0 :ui ophints nil nil] popup [15 0 0 :ui popup (+defaults) nil] treemacs [16 0 0 :ui treemacs (+lsp) nil] vc-gutter [17 0 0 :ui vc-gutter (+pretty) nil] vi-tilde-fringe [18 0 0 :ui vi-tilde-fringe nil nil] window-select [19 0 0 :ui window-select (+switch-windows +numbers) nil] workspaces [20 0 0 :ui workspaces nil nil]) :editor (evil [21 0 0 :editor evil (+everywhere) nil] fold [22 0 0 :editor fold nil nil] format [23 0 0 :editor format (+onsave) nil] multiple-cursors [24 0 0 :editor multiple-cursors nil nil] rotate-text [25 0 0 :editor rotate-text nil nil] word-wrap [26 0 0 :editor word-wrap nil nil]) :emacs (dired [27 0 0 :emacs dired (+icons) nil] ibuffer [28 0 0 :emacs ibuffer (+icons) nil] vc [29 0 0 :emacs vc nil nil]) :term (vterm [30 0 0 :term vterm nil nil]) :checkers (syntax [31 0 0 :checkers syntax (+childframe) nil]) :tools (debugger [32 0 0 :tools debugger (+lsp) nil] eval [33 0 0 :tools eval (+overlay) nil] lookup [34 0 0 :tools lookup (+dictionary +docsets +offline) nil] lsp [35 0 0 :tools lsp (+peek) nil] magit [36 0 0 :tools magit nil nil] pdf [37 0 0 :tools pdf nil nil] tree-sitter [38 0 0 :tools tree-sitter nil nil]) :os (macos [39 0 0 :os macos nil nil] tty [40 0 0 :os tty nil nil]) :lang (emacs-lisp [41 0 0 :lang emacs-lisp nil nil] json [42 0 0 :lang json (+lsp +tree-sitter) nil] java [43 0 0 :lang java (+lsp +tree-sitter) nil] javascript [44 0 0 :lang javascript (+lsp +tree-sitter) nil] org [45 0 0 :lang org (+dragndrop +journal +present +roam2) nil] sh [46 0 0 :lang sh (+lsp +tree-sitter) nil] web [47 0 0 :lang web (+lsp +tree-sitter) nil] yaml [48 0 0 :lang yaml (+lsp +tree-sitter) nil]) :email (mu4e [49 0 0 :email mu4e (+org +gmail) nil]) :app (calendar [50 0 0 :app calendar nil nil]) :config (use-package [2 -111 -111 :config use-package nil nil] default [51 0 0 :config default (+bindings +smartparens) nil]) [2 -111 -111 :config use-package nil nil] doom-load "~/.config/emacs/modules/config/use-package/init" [0 -110 -110 :core nil nil nil] "~/.config/emacs/lisp/init" doom-run-hooks doom-before-modules-init-hook [21 0 0 :editor evil (+everywhere) nil] ...] 4) load("/Users/user/.config/emacs/.local/etc/@/init.29.elc" noerror nomessage nosuffix) startup--load-user-init-file@init-doom(#f(compiled-function () #) #f(compiled-function () #) t) apply(startup--load-user-init-file@init-doom (#f(compiled-function () #) #f(compiled-function () #) t)) startup--load-user-init-file(#f(compiled-function () #) #f(compiled-function () #) t) command-line() normal-top-level()

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