I’ve been trying to copy some of my vim key bindings. In my vim configuration they are:
noremap 1d "+d
noremap 1y "+y
noremap 1p "+p
noremap 1Y "+y$
They allow me to copy to the “system” clipboard saving 2 key strokes (I count the pressing on the Shift key). Instead of pressing "+yy, I press 1yy. Therefore, 1yy copies the entire line to the “system” clipboard, but 2yy copies 2 lines to the vim register.
In Emacs, I did
:vn "1y" "\"+y"
:vn "1d" "\"+d"
:vn "1p" "\"+p")
It removes the motions which start from “1”. E.g. 11j. From the documentation, I got that pressing “1” moves us to “evil-motions-state-map”. However, I don’t really understand how I can map something to it. Out of the documentation, I figured out that I can do something like this:
(map! (:after evil
:m "y" "\"+y"))
However, the key binding doesn’t make sense, because I don’t have data to figure out which number has been pressed before I get into the state. Therefore, I can’t distinguish “1y” from let’s say “2y” or “3y”.
How can I make the key bindings in Doom Emacs? Any hint is appreciated.