When running M-x emoji-insert I get transient--parse-suffix: Need command, argument, ‘:info’ or ‘:info*’; got #[0 \301\203a\0\301 \210\302\300!\210\300c\207 [😀 nil emoji--add-recent] 2 nil [nil (not-a-mode)]]
in the minibuffer.
I think this is due to a different version of transient that doom (or one of it’s packages) uses and the built in version which emoji.el expects.
I deleted ./.local/straight/build-29.4/transient/transient-autoloads.el ./.local/straight/build-29.4/transient/transient.el ./.local/straight/build-29.4/transient/transient.elc
and M-x emoji-insert worked fine until I did a doom sync -b again.
I know there is emojify in doom modules, but the transient of emoji.el is nicer than the list from emojify.
I found this:
(add-to-list 'package--builtin-versions '(transient 0 4 3))from here which does the trick for now.
However, straight does not seem to care that much about package--builtin-versions as with a doom sync -b transient 0.7.5 is installed and built and emoji-insert is not working again. I guess with the move to elpaca this will rectify by itself.
Using the commit from transient version 0.4.7 makes the emacs daemon halt at startup with
evil-collection error: (error Eager macro-expansion failure: (error "Need command or ‘:info’, got ‘:info*’"))
Or it still starts but a connected emacs client is acting weird. I can not open find-file for example. The normal (non daemon/client) emacs works fine though.
Both daemon and emoji-insert works with transient 0.7.5, so I use this now: