Embark - Project search to occur

What happened?

Previously when using ivy, i used to:

  1. SPC s p to project search
  2. C-o to enter occur mode for the search results
  3. dd to filter out specific files i won’t want to edit
  4. C-e to enter wgrep mode.

After switching to Vertico / Consult / Embark … i have two problems:

  1. When the minibuffer is displaying the search result, C-l to embark-collect shows a small buffer above the minibuffer with the search results but the minibuffer does not close. Navigating down to the minibuffer and hitting ESCAPE would close both the minibuffer & the collected results.
  2. Using embark-export does show the results as desired but i cannot filter out results by removing files like i did in Step 3 from the above workflow.

What did you expect to happen?

I understand the plugins work differently from each other but i would have expected to have a consistent experience while switching from one completion plugin to another where i don’t have to change my workflow.

Steps to reproduce

As described above.

System information

Loading data dump...