What happened?
I installed the Monoid font (or font-family, whatever) and turned on NixOS’s option to create a font directory under /run/current-system/sw/share/X11/fonts.
This worked at first, but now the screen just flashes white when I try to run emacsclient. Strangely, it still works with just launching emacs. I assume there is some weirdness with what environment variables the client inherits versus full-fat emacs. I haven’t restarted my emacs daemon yet because I am using a NixOS option to run the emacs server by default, so I would need to restart my computer. Will do that after posting.
I have only customised a few keybindings and configured the init.el file Doom ships with.
By the way, I am completely new to emacs, other than using Doom for a short while on my old Fedora (really Nobara) install (until it broke my hybrid graphics after an update, and wouldn’t even boot to tty), and I really liked it.
I only installed NixOS on Saturday. So to summarise, I don’t know emacs well at all and I don’t really understand Nix that well (I understand the language mostly, but how the OS works is another kettle of fish).
(Btw, couldn’t get vterm to work either, so I just used eshell instead.)
Emacsclient output
$ emacsclient -c
Waiting for Emacs...
*ERROR*: Font not available: #<font-spec nil nil Nerd\ Font\ Propo nil nil nil nil nil 16 nil nil nil nil>
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