What happened?
My installation is broken
I’ve re-installed doom, and emacs (28.1 on windows) but something is still very wrong.
I get:
Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading ‘c:/Program Files/Emacs/emacs-28.1.90/lib/emacs/28.1.90/native-lisp/28.1.90-9b4339ea/warnings-28e75f4d-870b026e.eln’:
Doom hasn't been initialized yet; did you remember to run 'doom sync' in the shell?: c:/Users/Jonathan/.emacs.d/.local/etc/@/init.28.elc
when starting emacs, and when I run doom sync (or sync -u) it runs, but ends abruptly at some point without a message indicating it was finished successfully.
I’ve run DEBUG=1 doom sync
and this is the bottom of the output:
* 92.839681:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 92.841072:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 96.144335:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
> Building org-roam-ui...
> Building org-roam-ui > Building simple-httpd...
* 96.634916:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 96.635475:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
> Building org-roam-ui > Building websocket...
* 97.383474:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 97.384002:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
> Building org-roam-ui...
* 98.101556:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 98.102160:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 100.028375:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 100.128624:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 100.227872:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 100.330882:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 100.432205:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
> Building olivetti...
* 100.453558:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 100.454143:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 101.153912:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
> Building captain...
* 101.182380:*:cli:hook:after-change-major-mode-hook: run global-eldoc-mode-enable-in-buffers
* 101.182961:*:cli:hook:after-change-m
I’ve just tried running doom install again for good measure, and got the fllowing as the bottom of the output:
> Building org-super-agenda > Building ht...
> Building org-super-agenda > Building ts...
> Building org-super-agenda...
> Building helm-org-rifle...
> Building helm-org-rifle > Building helm...
> Building helm-org-rifle > Building helm > Building helm-core...
> Building helm-org-rifle > Building helm > Building helm-core > Building async...
> Building helm-org-rifle > Building helm > Building helm-core...
> Building helm-org-rifle > Building helm > Building popup...
> Building helm-org-rifle > Building helm...
> Building helm-org-rifle...
> Building org-download...
- Checked out org-pretty-tags: 40fd72f3e7...
> Building org-pretty-tags...
> Building org-superstar...
> Building org-ref...
> Building org-ref > Building htmlize...
- Checked out hydra: 9e9e00cb240ea1903ffd36a54956b3902c379d29
> Building org-ref > Building hydra...
> Building org-ref > Building hydra > Building lv...
> Building org-ref > Building hydra...
- Checked out avy: ba5f035be33693d1a136a5cbeedb24327f551a92
> Building org-ref > Building avy...
- Checked out parsebib: 175a1bdac1eabc7415116c8722795a1155e2d2c9
> Building org-ref > Building parsebib...
> Building org-ref > Building bibtex-completion...
> Building
It’s as if it just crashes in the middle of an operation…?