Delete buffer without deleting window

Hello, i have simple question about buffers. I had used Doom Emacs quite some time, but then suddenly i had problem with Emacs 29 i have to reinstall it. Now i’ve found that whole section Space-b (buffers) disappeared, i used to work with buffers. When i try delete buffer via :bdelete it works, but it also deletes current window so i have to do SPC-w-u (i have multi-window workspace). Is there more convenient way ?

Thank you, Erik

What do you mean? The whole SPC b prefix vanished? I haven’t removed it (and don’t plan to), so this sounds like there might’ve been an error during startup.

After starting Emacs, check *Messages* (C-he) for error messages. Even unrelated errors can cause whole sections of Doom (and your config) to not load correctly, so it is wise to tackle any you see.

If you find an error, try to produce a backtrace from it, as well.

When i try delete buffer via :bdelete it works, but it also deletes current window so i have to do SPC-w-u (i have multi-window workspace). Is there more convenient way ?

A few alternatives:

  • zx (bound to kill-current-buffer for evil users)
  • C-xk (bound to kill-buffer)

Thank you very much i will try check messages, nevertheless the ‘zx’ is absolute killer shortcut :)

Otherwise Doom looks like is working fine, just the buffer section is the only issue i’ve found so far.

I’ll try to debug it as soon as i have more time. Thank you very much for your time.

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