What happened?
I’ve tried to run doom sync but the package! macro, fails like this:
> Synchronizing "default" profile...
> Regenerating envvars file
✓ Generated ~/.emacs.d/.local/env
> Installing packages...
> Updating recipe repos...
> Cloning tree-sitter-indent.el.git (for tree-sitter-indent)...
x There was an unexpected runtime error
Message: Malformed protocol detected: (:host codeberg :repo "https://codeberg.org/FelipeLema/tree-sitter-indent.el.git")
(error "Malformed protocol detected: (:host %S :repo %S)" codeberg "https://codeberg.org/Fe...
(progn (error "Malformed protocol detected: (:host %S :repo %S)" host repo))
(if (string-match-p ":" repo) (progn (error "Malformed protocol detected: (:host %S :repo %...
(let nil (if (string-match-p ":" repo) (progn (error "Malformed protocol detected: (:host %...
(cond ((null host) (let nil repo)) ((let ((host host)) (alist-get host straight-hosts)) (le...
(straight-vc-git--encode-url "https://codeberg.org/FelipeLema/tree-sitter-indent.el.git" co...
(let ((success nil) (repo-dir (straight--repos-dir local-repo)) (url (straight-vc-git--enco...
(let ((package (plist-get --recipe-- ':package)) (local-repo (plist-get --recipe-- ':local-...
(let ((--recipe-- recipe)) (let* ((--cl-rest-- --recipe--) (upstream (car (cdr (plist-membe...
(straight-vc-git-clone (:type git :repo "https://codeberg.org/FelipeLema/tree-sitter-indent...
(apply straight-vc-git-clone ((:type git :repo "https://codeberg.org/FelipeLema/tree-sitter...
(let ((func (intern (format "straight-vc-%S-%S" type method)))) (if (fboundp func) nil (let...
! Wrote extended backtrace to ~/.emacs.d/.local/logs/cli.doom.220909112137.76716.error
! Script was abruptly aborted, leaving Doom in an incomplete state!
- Run 'doom sync' to repair it.
This is the recipe
(package! tree-sitter-indent
:recipe (:type git
:repo "https://codeberg.org/FelipeLema/tree-sitter-indent.el.git"
:branch "main"
:files ("tree-sitter-indent.el")))
This recipe was previously working.
What did you expect to happen?
I expected the package to be installed.
Steps to reproduce
Copy this recipe:
(package! tree-sitter-indent
:recipe (:type git
:repo "https://codeberg.org/FelipeLema/tree-sitter-indent.el.git"
:branch "main"
:files ("tree-sitter-indent.el")))
Add it to your packages.el
Run doom sync.
System information
Loading data dump...
This was already fixed as part of
opened 02:10AM - 07 Jul 22 UTC
closed 09:04PM - 06 Sep 22 UTC
### What did you expect to happen?
I expected to follow the installation instru… ctions for doom and for it to install properly.
### What actually happened?
The actual resulting output:

Here is the backtrace that the error points to.
If you would like the backtrace to the other packages that failed to install, I can include those as well.
### Describe your attempts to resolve the issue
As a bit of background, I am running all this in WSL. I wanted to get Emacs and doom running on my PC, so the first thing I did was compile Emacs 28.1 in WSL Ubuntu-20.04. I followed the instructions for Emacs 28.1, and got that installed and running, now my next endeavor was running Doom.
However, during the doom install process, I would get this error for the installation of the emacs-undo-fu (if I would re-run and emacs-undo-fu-session, and then git-timemachine, if I re-ran again). Not knowing better, I re-ran the command over and over until doom seemed to have no errors, but it is clear that these packages weren't installed correctly:

So I keep getting those errors, since I believe these packages weren't installed properly.
Next, I found this document: https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs/blob/master/docs/getting_started.org#with-wsl--ubuntu-1804-lts
in the doom documentation, so I followed that to install Emacs 27.1 in WSL Ubuntu-18.04, and then I followed the guide once more, and I still run into the same issues when running doom install.
### Steps to reproduce
1. Install Emacs version 27.1 or 28.1 on either WSL Ubuntu-18.04 or WSL Ubuntu-20.04
2. follow instructions to install doom emacs (git clone to ~/.emacs.d && ~/.emacs.d/doom install)
3. Should be reproduced.
I am curious to see if this behavior is also seen when installed on native linux. If it is not reproducible on Linux, then it may be a WSL + Windows only bug, unfortunately.
### System Information
If updating Doom does not fix it, try reinstalling your packages. Straight seems to refuse to update for some folks.
$ rm -rf ~/.emacs.d/.local/straight
$ doom sync
Hi Henrik!
Thanks for answering.
I’ve commented the package recipe and then did doom upgrade, deleted the .local/straight folder, and then ran doom sync and everything worked fine.
I then uncommented the package but it still does not work, I get the same output.
When the full :repo
URL is passed, we have to pass :host nil
as well. I learned that from straight’s https://github.com/radian-software/straight.el#git-backend .
Glad it was resolved! As an addendum, straight also has a new codeberg
fetcher (which is what was added in the commit I linked ), so this recipe will work too:
(package! tree-sitter-indent
:recipe (:host codeberg
:repo "FelipeLema/tree-sitter-indent.el"
:branch "main"
:files ("tree-sitter-indent.el")))
September 24, 2022, 10:20am
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