Hi, I need to work with long python files, with long docstings and I wanted to use folding to manage this. I think that the default fold
in my init.el
does not work for docstrings. I found this reddit discusion recomending elpy
I added this in my packages.el
(package! elpy :recipe
(:host github :repo "jorgenschaefer/elpy")
and in my config.el:
(after! elpy
(set-company-backend! 'elpy-mode
'(elpy-company-backend :with company-files company-yasnippet)))
Should I remove fold
from my init.el? I would like to use code folding with other programming languages too, but I don’t know if I might have some problem by having fold
and elpy
at the same time.
When I have both enabled, M-x elpy-folding-toogle-at-point
works after I run M-x elpy-enable M-x +fold/toggle M-x +fold/toogle
otherwise I get the message Please enable the ’Folding module’ to use this functionality.
How can I enable the Folding module?