Auto-completion in beancount-mode does not work

Auto-completion in beancount-mode does not work.

After switching from my vanilla emacs config to doom-emacs, Auto-completion in beancount-mode does not work anymore.

Vanilla config: I just loaded beancount-mode, nothing else.

Pressing “TAB”, beancount-tab-dwim was executed with 2 effects:

  • auto-completion of account names
  • prices were aligned.

In doom-emacs, that does not work. If I execute beancount-add-account, there is a auto-completion window with “0 possible completions”.

I tried to configure company-dict with:

(use-package! company-dict
  :after company
  (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-dict)

and I added a file with all acccount names to ~/.emacs.d/dict/beancount-mode, but

still does not work.

Any ideas ?