Add an option to follow symlink with ripgrep

Could it be possible to setup Doom config such that the recursive search with ripgrep search down the subdirectories even if they are symbolic link as in ripgrep --follow. It’ particularly useful for +default/search-project.

I know it can be done interactively in the mini-buffer:

string to search -- --follow

But it’s tedious to type in each time. For now, I have changed the line of option passed to ripgrep in the vertico source file doom-base/modules/completion/vertico/autoload/vertico.el

                   (unless recursive "--maxdepth 1 ")
                   "--null --line-buffered --color=never --max-columns=1000 "
-                  "--path-separator /   --smart-case --no-heading "
+                  "--path-separator /   --smart-case --no-heading  --follow "
                   "--with-filename --line-number --search-zip "
                   "--hidden -g !.git -g !.svn -g !.hg "

I wonder if this is better as a new default in Doom or as an optional parameter.