Guides on learning, using, and debugging Emacs Lisp
Don’t forget our official documentation; these guides are meant to complement it, not replace it!
- Beginners
- Getting Started with Emacs Lisp
- The Official Emacs manual
- Crash courses on Emacs Lisp syntax:
- Workflows for customizing (vanilla) Emacs and its packages for C/C++
- Batteries included Emacs (Part 1, Part 2)
The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Emacs by SystemCrafters
Emacs from scratch series by SystemCrafters
Learning Emacs Lisp by SystemCrafters
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- How to Write Fast(er) Emacs Lisp
- Comparing the Lisps (Elisp, Clojure, Racket, and Common Lisp)